Episode 12: Season Finale!! Happy Halloween with the Kids! Special Guest: Hunter "Baby Boy" Brown
Gotta LOVE how fast time flies, its been 12 weeks of chopping it up with you guys! Im sad to take a break BUT I'll be back in 4 weeks ready to go with Season 2. More laughs, more learning, more chit chat, support, love, crap talk, Mom Talk ALL that! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW me to keep up to date with whats up with me and the family AND of course get heads up to WIN cool things!
For the Finale I wanted to keep it casual and light by cooking Halloween Pizzas with my special guest Hunter "Baby Boy" Brown! My little 3 year old loves to be up under mommy and I'm so busy during the day I feel bad not being able to give him the attention he wants. BUT I make it up by creating fun things for us to do and you can too with your little ones! You dont have to spend a lot to make memories! Wishing you guys a safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN and THANK YOU TONS for all the love and support you guys have been showing. See you next Season!!!! Now.. There's Part 1 and Part 2 since my sound went out when my brother Charles called in LOL! Good times :)
And here's Part Two (Kanye Shrug. Aint no fun without the growing pains.)